
ivan avatar image
ivan asked Diego Avila answered

control of process

How can I configure my model so that it meets certain criteria that I require, for example I require my operator to randomly supply material, first 5 of type one, then 6 of type 2, then 8 of type 3 and finally 9 of type 4.


FlexSim 22.1.1
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered ivan commented

Hello @ivan,

I implemented a pull strategy on the entry transfer for the conveyor. It is similar to the following post.

I added two labels onto the entry transfer that would hold the sequence of items to pull and the index to keep track where in the sequence it is.

/**Custom Code: Port Sequence*/

int Port = 0;
Array PortSequence = current.PortSequence;
int Index = current.PortSequenceIndex;

Port = PortSequence[Index];

if (current.PortSequenceIndex > PortSequence.length){
current.PortSequenceIndex = 

return Port;


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ivan avatar image ivan commented ·

Muchas gracias

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Diego Avila avatar image
Diego Avila answered

Hola Iván,

Una segunda alternativa sería utilizar un "Arrival Schedule" y de esta manera configurar tus llegadas de producto con su respectiva cantidad y etiqueta.1679417021217.png

De esta manera primero se procesarían los 5 materiales de "Type 1", después los 6 materiales de "Type 2" y así sucesivamente de acuerdo al orden en cómo se configuró la llegada de producto dentro del Source.

De igual forma te adjunto el modelo: procesador_1.fsm

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