
Tahsin avatar image
Tahsin asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Source is producing FlowItem Class at random

I am trying to create a defined set of pallets to be outputted from the source at a given arrival time. For example, I want 3 quantities of one type of pallet, 4 quantities of another type, and 2 quantities of the last type.

I have created an arrival schedule and filled in the table as follows:


The output I get is random. It produces the overall quantity I need but in random colours.


I am using a transporter and organizing it by colours by using paint slot labels on some floor storage, so I want the output from the source to reflect a colour for the type it is.

Please advise me on how I can output the pallets from the souce so it reflects the colour of the type exclusively.

FlexSim 23.0.5
sourcepaint slot labelsflowitem class
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Items don't automatically change color, so this must happen due to some function you added in a trigger.

To get the color to match the type you would use the "Set Color by Case" option which lets you define the color for each type value. Or you use "Set Object Color" with the Color.byNumber() method, which assigns predefined colors depending on the number passed into the command.

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