
Moosa avatar image
Moosa asked Moosa commented

the model stops itself before its stop time

Please find the attached model, this model stops itself before its allotted stop time.when I run with 3 independed scheduled tokens it stops at some 150000; but the same model if run with 2 scheduled tokens stops after it transverses all the rows of the assigned global table.Please note that I will have to extend this logic for 25 different tables,for now in this model I am trying with 3 tables , but i am not successful in establishing the complete logic, but the logic works well for 2 tables.TRANSPORTATION_LOGIC_rev02.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.0
pullglobal tablespartition id
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Moosa commented

rm301_row_decide sends the only token remaining to the sink at time 2563929.82 as a result of testing if x<y and evaluating to false where:

  1. int x=token.index;
  2. int y=Table("rm302").numRows/96-1;
· 20
5 |100000

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