
Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K asked Jeanette F commented

View Settings in VR

Hello @Felix Möhlmann and @Phil BoBo

When I view my model in VR mode, The view is set to bird eye view (i.e., the model is seen from the sky view). When I switch off my perspective projection in view settings, the model view was setting above my headset. How to solve these issues?

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 23.1.0
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

The position of the camera when you enter VR mode will be the centered position of the camera in VR. If you don't want to be floating above the model looking down at it, move the camera down into the model, near the objects.


View moving in VR environment - FlexSim Community

How set Headset World Position in VR - FlexSim Community

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