I'm creating a model that divides patients according to their severity and then takes patients with high severity to the clinic first.
I made a post because I had a question during this process.
If you look at the example model, the three beds on the left are severely ill and the three beds on the right are mild.
They are placed in intensive care and transitional care units through their respective severity labels.
There are a total of two employees, and they send three patients with high severity to the nearest clinic first.
In the process, one of the three patients on the left is sent to the doctor's office, one of the staff returns the remaining third patient to the doctor's office, and the other is returned to the original position.
At this time, I want the employee who returned to the original position to go to the mild patient right away.
I would like to have the staff who took the last severely ill patient to the doctor's office go directly to the mild patient.
I don't know if the question has been conveyed well.
Thank you.