
Alvaro Libreros avatar image
Alvaro Libreros asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How to make a staff is linked to a specific work area

He realizado un sistema donde los pacientes llegan y un médico disponible lo escolta y le brinda atención. Para hacer esto he utilizado el set "Escort then process". El problema es que se busca que cada médico tenga asignado un consultorio, por lo tanto, se espera que el médico lleve al paciente al consultorio donde fue asignado, evitando un problema como el que se muestra en la imagen donde el médico "invade" el consultorio de otro médico.


Esta es la lógica del patient flow


Alguna idea u orientación para lograr asignar un consultorio al médico y que el realice sus procesos en este. Muchas gracias de antemano.

Adjunto el archivo de prueba

modelo pregunta.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.3
healthcareflexsim hcpatientflow
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modelo-pregunta.fsm (75.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

There are a few different ways you can do this, here are some ideas:

1. Create a link between the room and staff

If you create a link between the staff and their assigned room, you can reference that when acquiring the staff. For example, here's your model with each staff linked to their Exam Table through a center port connection.


Since they're linked with a center port connection, then instead of acquiring any member of Medicos I can acquire the staff linked to the Exam Table I just acquired using code like this:

  1. patient.Locations[1].centerObjects[1]

You can do a similar thing with pointer labels. Here's your model with a Staff label on each Exam Table that points at the assigned doctor.


Then you acquire the doctor using code like:

  1. patient.Locations[1].Staff

2. List out pairs in the By Case pickoption

In the Staff Resource click the dropdown next to the Staff field and choose Staff by Case. Then you can fill it out with the pairs you want, like this:



3. Acquire the Staff with the same group rank as the room

Since you have two groups, the Camillas and the Medicos, that both have 3 objects in them in the same order we can just find out the index of the Exam Table we've acquired and then ask for the doctor with that same index.

  1. Group("Medicos")[Group("Camillas").indexOf(patient.Locations[1])]


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