
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett commented

What causes Error message "getitemgetvarnode is not recognized" in model

What causes the error message "The function getitemgetvarnode is not recognized" in the attached model? I am trying to get the maximum content of the elevators to display on the screen.



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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Tee Hiett commented

There is an error in that OBject Statistic pickoption you're using for the text display objects. You can fix it pretty easily though. Click on one of your text objects and on the Text Display field click the scroll button to open up the code editor. On line 92 and 95 replace the word getitemgetvarnode with getvarnum:

  1. statstr = numtostring(getitemgetvarnode(item, ITEMVAR_PROCESSTIME), 0, 2);
  3. ->
  5. statstr = numtostring(getvarnum(item, ITEMVAR_PROCESSTIME), 0, 2);

Hit OK and then do this on the other text object as well.

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