
laetitia thomas avatar image
laetitia thomas asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Patients waiting for elevator


I developped a small model with FlexSim HC using an elevator bank of 10 elevators.

The model works when the interarrival time of patient is high enough, but when one of the elevator reaches its maximum capacity and there are still people waiting, these persons will wait until the same elevator is available, instead of calling another elevator…(may be because when they arrived, they are automatically "dispatched" to this elevator even if there is no more space in the elevator)

Here is my model :modele-ascenseurs.fsm

On my computer, I see this problem at time 1.6 for example.

Thank you for your help !


FlexSim HC 5.0.12
healthcareelevatorflexsim hc
modele-ascenseurs.fsm (534.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Hi Laetitia,

The model may be small, but the customized logic in the model isn't. After spending most the morning trying to figure out what was going on, I discovered a user-defined function called "attenteAscenseur" buried deep within the On Arrival trigger of the elevator call node's standard option named "Send Message to Request Elevator". I'm not sure whether this function call is the cause of an elevator not responding to travelers arriving at the node after the actively loading elevator reaches max capacity, but I'm hesitant to spend much more time debugging this model for fear there have been other customizations to the model that are not obvious to me. I've attached a small test modeelevator-bank-test.fsml that demonstrates patients will successfully call for another elevator when the actively loading elevator reaches capacity. There are two elevators in the model that each have a capacity of only two patients. Notice that the 5th patient to arrive (the one in the blue shirt) can't get on elevator 1 because the two guys in front of him take it, so he successfully calls for elevator 2.

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