
Santi avatar image
Santi asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Count number of patients treated per doctor per hour

Greetings to all,
I'm new to FlexSim, and am just learning to use labels in FlexSim HC.
I'd like to track the ratio of patients / hour / physician.

It would help to first understand how to simply count the number of patients examined by a doctor.
Then I could move on to breaking down the output by hour, and calculating the average.
I checked on the forum, but the few posts that seemed related either looked more advanced than what I need, or are to difficult for me to understand.

Could someone please guide me?

FlexSim 23.2.0
healthcareflexsim hcproductivity
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Santi,

I have two ideas for you that you could fine tune. The first is to use a tracked variable label on the Doctors that is incremented with every patient. You could set up a process flow to reset the tracked variable every hour as well. The second idea is to set the label of the Doctor used on the patient and track that with the census table.


Patient per hour per Dr_1.fsm

5 |100000

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