
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Julio R commented

Conveyor Acceleration

Hello, I have this simple model of three conveyor where I only change the acceleration, but they seem to beheave the same. Am I doing something wrong or I am not understanding what conveyor acceleration is supposed to do?

accelaration question.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.7
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

If you want to have accelerating flow items use the Legacy Basic Conveyor.

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Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K answered Julio R commented

Hi @Julio R

Since the acceleration is rate of change of speed. There is no difference in the travelling behavior of conveyors. To put that difference, calculate the acceleration of conveyor using the speed and assign both speed and acceleration to the conveyor, then you can observe the difference.


Sri Vikas K

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