
kauan pedroso avatar image
kauan pedroso asked Jeanette F commented

Limit of data to be pulled from a database

Good Morning guys !

I have a project where I pull several data from a DBConnector that supplies several globaltables, but in some of them the data ends up not being loaded, how do I make this loading lighter. I think that might be the problem.




FlexSim 21.2.4
global tabledatabasesql server
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1 Answer

Yasmin avatar image
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Yasmin answered Yasmin edited

Hello, Kauan!

Please let us know if your answer was replied!

If this query already worked on other import, I believe your problem is in your database. I higlhy recommend you to read the documentation about Database Connector (

Looking there I saw that some database requires you to enter the full database connection string (picture below)


Hope it can help!

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