
kauan pedroso avatar image
kauan pedroso asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Consume the time of a list

Hello !

I would like to take the time from my column called difference and transform my operating time of my robot. It is possible ? and yes, how to continue a line flow?

FlexSim 21.2.4
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

When you import your data use standard SQL to filter the range of values.

Once the data is in a FlexSim table you can use (via a Table query) ARRAY_AGG(difference) to create an array of values which you put on the processing object/robot (as a label) when the model starts and then you can just put in the time field:

  1. current.differences.shift()
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Yumi Nishijima avatar image
Yumi Nishijima answered kauan pedroso edited

Hi kauan, i think you can use the calculated table to put the difference time of your columns.
Probably you can use subset or partitions to filter by day and time.
The Calculated Table (

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