
Troy avatar image
Troy asked Joerg Vogel commented

how to develop a custom task executer

I am trying to replace the build-in task executer to my model below:


and I want to add some custom logic, animations, but I don't know how to do it, it cannot be found any tutorials in user manual, any help would be appreciated.

FlexSim 22.2.0
custom-te.png (129.7 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

It depends on what aspects you need to customize. If it's the finer detail of the load and unload behaviour outside of any travel task the you can customize the offset travel.

Then the first approach to try would be using a Basic TE with you own definitions for the offset travel. You add that using triggers for beginOffset, uopdateOffset and finishOffset.

If it's visuals you can change the base shape but just importing or add components to animate or apply kinematics in the drawsurrogate part of the visual attributes.

You can also create a module for your own class of TE if needed, but I would try the other options first.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Even if my approach look a bit weird, you could see this crane as a sub model.
A transporter is travelIng on a network. This network is inside of a plane, which is a subnode of an Automated Guided Vehicle object. A dispatcher is dividing incoming transport jobs into a coordinated tasksequence to let travel the AGV and the transporter.

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