
Drake M avatar image
Drake M asked Phil BoBo edited

How to reference object inside current object


I'm currently developing a TaskExecutor Process flow, in which the linked taskexecutor has other objects within it in the model tree. If I wanted to reference those objects, how would I go about doing that through current instead of Model.find? Would it just be as simple as Model.find("current/Processor") instead of Model.find("TaskExecutor/Processor")? Thank you for your help!

FlexSim 20.1.0
process flowtaskexecutormodel treeprocess flow resourcestask executor process flow
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
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Brandon Peterson answered Phil BoBo edited

@Drake M

myTaskExecuter.subnodes[1] will get you the first object inside of the TaskExecuter.

myTaskExecuter.subnodes.length will get you the number of objects inside of the TaskExecuter.

If current is the TaskExecuter then you can just use current.subnodes[1] for the first object.

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