
mikelmb avatar image
mikelmb asked Carter Walch commented

Storage strategy moving slots inside the same rack


I'm trying to simulate the storage of references in a rack to minimize the movements. I know how to save a specific reference in a certain slot (based on labels) [I attach the flexsim file]. But we are struggling to simulate some details:

  • We have different products and depending on the moment we can find different elements in a certain slot in the rack.
  • Moreover, in reality we seek that the floor level is always full. So if there is a free slot, we need to check if there is that references somewhere else in the rack to move it down.

Can someone help with this, please?

Warehouse simulation.fsm

Thank you very much in advance,


FlexSim 22.1.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can assign a slot to a stored slotitem [item]. Then you can move it into this new assigned slot.

A storage item can have different states.

There are different combinations of them at a same time possible.
Typically you would transport a stored item to a new assigned slot by an taskexecuter [operator, vehicle]. A stored item is referenced as a slotItem. By such a reference you can evaluate the storageObject holding this item by resolving the current slot and then to get the rackobject of this slot.
The assigned slot property allows you to evaluate the rackobject the item is going to.

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