
omer0 avatar image
omer0 asked omer0 commented

How to make transporters go in a certain order

Hello I was wondering if someone could help me on how to design a simulation that has multiple processors, and a transport system that picks the flow item out of the processor and then places a new flow item into that same processor, then repeats that process for the next processors until it finishes at the end then repeats the process, I have my model some what made I just do not know how I can pick and drop items off using transports and I do not know how to go in order so that the transporters do not go to what finishes first, rather it should go in order of the process. Any tips on those 2 issues?

FlexSim 23.1.2
orderorder bytranportmultiple transports
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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White commented ·

Hi @omer0,

It's hard to know how to help without looking at your model. To receive a more accurate solution, please post your model or a sample model that demonstrates your question.

Proprietary models can be posted as a private question visible only to FlexSim U.S. support staff. You can also contact your local FlexSim distributor for phone or email help.

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omer0 avatar image omer0 Natalie White commented ·

genral model g1.fsm Thank you for the response here is my model!

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genral-model-g1.fsm (49.5 KiB)

1 Answer

Natalie White avatar image
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Natalie White answered omer0 commented

Hi @omer0,

It looks like you are successfully using carriers to transport your flow items! Under properties for Machine 1, your process time is 873, which is why it takes so long before Carrier 1 transports the second flow item.

To create a specific sequence of tasks for your transporters to follow, you will want to use a Process Flow to build your model logic. Section 1.2 of Task Logic Tutorial 1 explains how to use task sequences in your process flow:

The tutorial should help! If you have further questions after looking at this tutorial, let us know.

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omer0 avatar image omer0 commented ·
I will work on it and let you know if I run into any difficulties!
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