
Maksymilian Jaworski avatar image
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Maksymilian Jaworski asked Jeanette F commented

Problem with combiner taking items in specific order

Hello, I've got 3 conveyors ended with queue. Each of them transports different type of boxes (let say black, green and red). Those queues are connected with combiner, which creates a pallet (so we have 4 inputs: 1 from pallet's source, 3 from queues). Combiner takes 5 black items, 13 green items and 9 red items. It is important to take it always in following order: 5 black, 13 green, 9 red.

My problem is that items are arriving (on purpose) randomly to the queues. So when they arrive in correct order (black, green, red), assuming that there is a correct batch size, there is no problem. But in other situations I cannot simply apply solution to the model.

I have tried different variations of closing and opening outputs OnExit or EndCollectPicking, sending labels which should open outputs etc. but there always was some issue or I am doing something wrong.

I've almost solved it by writing a code with "If" checking if there is appriopriate Content on combiner - black items always go to the combiner, then if there is contentn >= 5 it opens output for green ones, then if output is >= 18 it opens output for red ones. BUT, when combiner has got a Pick option (from Join, Pick, Batch table) it has always Content=1 (like it counts only a pallet, not items on it). It was working with Batch or Join, but I need packing option (for visual effect)

Thanks for all the help

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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Ben Wilson commented

Here is another example model showing the 3-sequential-combiner method.

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Brenton King avatar image
Brenton King answered Jeanette F commented

I finished the Process Flow example that I promised. I believe it gives you complete flexibility over what goes on in your combiner. This method allows you to have the pallet stay at one object instead of using 3 combiners. Note that ALL my logic is in process flow. The combiner is actually a queue that looks like a combiner. It is only used as a location for the combining to occur.

This is an image of my logic in PF:


I believe that this model does what you are hoping for. You can use this logic in your model by copying and pasting the PF logic and making sure that the references used are correct. Create a global flowitem list in your toolbox called "Component List" and have all of your queues add the items to that list.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Matthew Gillespie commented

I had the same thought as Brenton and tackled this problem with Process Flow tools and pulling from an item list. In this model, The boxes are being added to an item list (defined in the ToolBox) at Queues 1-3 Send to Port event. Each Box is assigned ot a Partition on the lIst by it's type; black, green, red.

I made another Queue called Combiner that will be the location where the combining will take place, but the logic for that will be controlled using Pull from List activities in Process Flow. The Queue isn't doing anything logically, it's just a place for the pallet to sit while I grab boxes out of Queue's 1-3.

When a pallet is delivered to my Combiner queue, a token is created in Process Flow (using the event triggered source activity), and goes through a series of Pull from List activities until it has grabbed all boxes of the different colors. It accomplishes this by Pullling the requisite number of boxes from each partition before moving onto the next Pull activity.


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Brenton King avatar image
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Brenton King answered Brenton King commented

One quick and dirty solution would be to use 3 combiners sequentially. One for black, one for green, and one for red. Would this work?

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