
harish.varma avatar image
harish.varma asked Brenton King commented

Batch processing for several itemtype's, quantities and batch sizes?

Arrival Sequence:

Items are sent to the combiner based on arrival sequence. First, 2 items (based on batch size) of type1 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to the first available W processor. Quantity column get updated to 4. The batch is then sent to the first available processor X, then to first available Y and to first available Z, and then to the sink. This process repeats until the quantity column for type1 reaches zero. Next, 5 items of type2 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to the first available processor W. Quantity column get updated to 3. The batch is then sent to X to Y to Z and sink. Since, for the next step to occur, 5 items of type2 are required for batching, but are not available (Quantity has only 3 items remaining), So only 3 items of type2 will be sent for batching. Quantity column gets updated to zero. Now, 6 items of type3 are sent to the combiner, are batched and sent to first available processor W. Quantity column get updated to 24. The batch is then sent to the upstream processors based on the sequence mentioned above. This process repeats until the quantity column for type3 reaches zero.

The processor processes one item at a time. The item is sent to the buffer of the upstream processor. The upstream processor waits for all the items to get queued, when the number of items in the queue

reaches the batch size, then the processing of the batch starts.

The processing time is same for all the parts. The setup times depend on the Low lot number. If low lot number is 1, the setup times are w=6,x=6,y=2,z=1. If low lot number is 0, then setup times w=2,x=2,y=2,z=1.

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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Ben Wilson commented


Your expanded model doesn't really change that much about my original answer, but I redid the model with your new downstream processor scheme.

Attached are two versions of the model, one that works for a single sequence and then ends and another that anticipates needing to easily adjust the size and frequency of arrival sequences. Custom Combiner 2 is the simpler model, Custom Combiner 2-2 is a more advanced version that I'll explain below.

The component about actually putting the right things onto the pallets in the right order is the same for both and largely the same from the first answer from last week.

The first big change I did to the 2-2 version of the model was to change what a "Token" in Process Flow represents. In my previous answer, in order to do things quickly I had made each token represent a single pallet, but in light of your new information I found it was convenient to instead consider the Token to represent the arrival sequence. So in essence I have one Token representing all the flowitems in your item sequence table, and the Token knows who all the items in that sequence are based on the labels it is carrying. The individual items in the sequence are also placed on the list such that they are organized based on which sequence they belong to. This is a fairly advanced idea.

Because of the above changes I got rid of the Source objects in the 3D view and changed them into Create Object activities. I'm using what's called a Subflow to create all the flowitems associated with the aa, bb, cc groups from a global table, while also assigning them to the item list and putting references to them on the Token.

Then I let the Token, acquire the Combiner, create a pallet for the packing operation and do the same pull logic found in the previous answer. Instead of looping the same pallet back, I get the required items for the batch, send the batch to the immediately downstream queue, and now the Token, loops back, creates a new pallet for the next batch, and so on.

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