
Christine B avatar image
Christine B asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How to tell combiner to pull items from port 2 based on certain label?

I am sending boxes to a queue with labels of which depot they then have to be sent to. I want to pack them into a trailer based only on which depot they are going to. My setup is:

Que --> Combiner: Trailer loads 30 boxes. --> Depot (there are 4 different ones).

Is there a way to tell the combiner that if the trailer is destined for Depot 1, only pull the boxes labeled Depot 1?

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gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered gilbert jerald edited

@Christine B


I have attached a sample model related to your condition " How to tell combiner to pull items from port 2 based on certain label".

I have used Process flow to combine the correct boxes with required quantity for each type based on the Depot Label and the pallet will be send to there respective Depot location.

In the model the created boxes are send to a list and the boxes are pull from list in process flow and this logic will instruct the combiner to pull the boxes from port 2 based on destination label (Deport ).

I have attached the model bellow have a look on it.Make a comment if you have any doubt.

Thank you.


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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered David Seo commented

@Christine B

I uploaded the example model. The model pull three items of item type == 2 from input port #2.

You can use the label replacing with item type. item type is the special label ready.


That is your want? If is not yours, upload your example model you want.

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