
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Sebastien commented

VR teleport not working with Quest 2


I am trying to setup a VR environnment. After having tried it with my 20.2 license I saw in this post that the new SDK broke the compatibility with older versions.
I tried it with newer versions as well as the latest LTS. Although I could see my hands in the environment and tilt my head I could not teleport. Once I press the thumbsticks I see a blue circle on the floor with the orientation red arrow, yet nothing happen.

Is there something more to setup for teleporting ?

FlexSim 23.0.8
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered

Hello Sebastien,

I can confirm that Quest 2 teleporting works in 23.0 and 23.1. I just did the standard installation and nothing else on top. Is your Meta software up to date?

If that´s not it, I´ll have to pass. I know of some devices (HP G2 Reverb from own experience) that the controllers need brand new batteries to be fully functional. I doubt that causes your problem, though, but maybe worth a shot?

Good luck

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