
Maria B17 avatar image
Maria B17 asked anon-user answered

if it is possible to add a label to items according to time.

I would like to know if it is possible to add a label to items according to time.

for example: I will receive an item every 51 seconds, so a total of one hour will have approximately 70 items. of these 70 items I need to separate one of them to sample and the 4 items that will be in its sequence. I thought about doing this by assigning values to lael, but I don't know if it's the best way, would there be any way to do this?

FlexSim 23.1.2
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Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered

Hi @Maria B17! I made a simple sample model that essentially pulls from a list based on age, here's the process flow and 3D model:



I had the source create an object every 51s and had a trigger on the AllItems queue that pushed the objects to a global list. Then in the process flow I created a source that fired every hour and pulled 5 from the list according to age, then moved those to ItemsToSample. I repeated that for the other 65 and moved them to OtherItems. I'll attach the model so you can look into it more! I hope that helps.

Maria Help.fsm

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anon-user avatar image
anon-user answered

You can use a Source trigger to write a Label:

you can also use Assign Labels in Process Flow for this.

To do the functionality you want you can use a global variable that will store an integer number, this number will be the number of items you want to store, with that you use Decide with Conditional Decide and as parameter GLOBAL_VARIABLE % 70 <= 5, If true it writes to a sample Global Table with the data you want to store, if false it will do another process

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