
Luciano Cavallero avatar image
Luciano Cavallero asked Jason Lightfoot edited

'match value' option in Wait for Event activity doesn't always work.


I'm using "Wait for Activity" with the option 'match value' to filter events in differents PF.
Usually it work as expected: I set a value that will be correctly matched but in a process flow is does not work.

Taking a look into the tree of the activity I can see as follow:
- where it work I can see that the node at rank 3 is a number, updated on model reset, contain the value wrote in the acivity's GUI:

- where it don't work (for me in a specific Object Process Flow) I can see that the for the same configuration that the node at rank 3 contain a string (non a number) of the value: for this reason that the 'Wait for Event' activity does not work:

Then: why my process flow doesn't correctly recognize the right 'match value' datatype and continue to set the node as string? it is certainly the fault of the process flow but I don't know how to fix the problems.

Anyone encountered my same problem?


Luciano Cavallero

Flexcon s.r.l.
Strada del Drosso, 33/8 I–10135 TORINO - Italy

FlexSim 21.0.1
processflowwait for eventprocess
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1 Answer

Luciano Cavallero avatar image
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Luciano Cavallero answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hi Jason,

I discovered the problem: Into a "Object Process Flow" with NO attached objects, if you add an "Wait for Event" with a "match value" for a numeric value, the famous node at rank 3 contain a string.

As soon as you attache a object to the PF at next model reset the node at rank 3 changes to numeric value.

(My PF is a object pf where object are attached when simulation start, all other object pf in the model attach object at model reset...)



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