
Thin Tn avatar image
Thin Tn asked Thin Tn commented

Crane takes many items in the pallet

Hello esteemed teachers and colleagues in the Flexsim community. I am currently implementing a model using a crane to move items to processors. I am encountering a problem in using the crane to retrieve items from the pallets I have created earlier. I have tried several ways to reference objects within the pallets because I want the crane to retrieve multiple items, but I have only been able to do so when using the .first function to retrieve one item. I'm not sure if there is a way for me to achieve this, or if there is another approach where I can delete the pallet object when the forklift brings the pallet to the queue to simplify the problem. I would greatly appreciate any help from everyone. Thank you very much.


FlexSim 19.1.2
craneload multiple itemcrane load multiple item in the pallet
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Thin Tn commented

Hi @Thin Tn! Have you seen this tutorial? I think if you implemented it in your model it would solve your problem. Take a look at it and try it out and if you run into any other problems let me know and I can help you work through it!

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