
Anutt K avatar image
Anutt K asked Julie Weller commented

Update cell data to Database Table

Hello. I want to export data from FlexSim GlobalTable to Database Table (SQL Server).

Now I can use this script to INSERT data to Database Table.


But INSERT It will be add new row in Database Table everytime when execute the script.


Then, I has change from INSERT to UPDATE for update new data only. (I won't to add new row). So that invalid.



How can I just update new data to old row and won't to add new row in Database Table. Thank You.

FlexSim 23.1.2
databasedatabase exportupdate database
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Either DELETE * FROM test2 and then perform inserts for the whole table, or update based on a unique field combination (key ) using the WHERE clause.

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