
Nicholas B avatar image
Nicholas B asked Nicholas B commented

Experimenter and Global Table Output

I am wondering are global tables populated with data while using the experimenter? I am collecting data about a patient as they go through my logic and recording information into a global table. This data is then output to a database where I already have extensive reports designed for analysis. When I try to output the data from my global table to my database at end of replication using the experimenter it shows 0 rows of data.

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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Nicholas B commented

Because the Experimenter creates multiples instances of the software to run the separate replications in RAM on each of your cpu cores, special handling is required to store off the information in the global tables at the end of each replication. This use to be a difficult task for users, but with the addition of a new pick list option in the "End of Replication" trigger found on the Experimenter's Advanced tab called "Dump Global Table Data To An External CSV File", it's now easy. This pick list option is only available in the latest (5.3.2) version of the software.

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