
Adam C avatar image
Adam C asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Floor Storage Pull from List with FlexScript Not Working

Hello, I have a group of floor storages with unique warehouse Column label values. They should pull flowitems from an item list whose WH label match their Column label. I have tried the following references, with and without curly braces, and the FlexScript does not execute.


current.Column, current.labels["Column"].value, getlabel(current,"Column")

The query only returns the exact string the query. I assume this is because the pick list code declares the query as a string, but it seems like FlexScript should function here - a dynamic query built with labels is a common application.

FlexSim 23.0.9
flexscriptsql querypullfromlistpicklist
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

If you're using a pull from list activity to pull, the query needs puller references, so make your puller 'current' and then use puller.Column in your query.

This assumes that the floor storage is an object process flow member/instance.

Similarly for List.pull() - one of the parameters is for the puller, for which you would enter 'current' again.

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Adam C avatar image Adam C commented ·
There is no process flow used here at all - this on the floor storage object input/pull from list. There is no place to mark a puller.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Adam C commented ·

The puller is current by default it seems - so you can use the keyword 'puller'. You can check the parameters in use in the trigger by opening its code in the editor.

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Adam C avatar image Adam C Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·


The attached image shows the code behind the pulling object's input picklist (no process flow). There is no puller variable in the code and the intellisense does not recognize typing 'puller' in the query. Still if they are the same, current should work.

Again, this is trying to use the basic "Pull from List" picklist on a fixed resource and include "current.myLabel" in the query input box. The intellisense there recognizes current (it turns blue) but is not executed as FlexScript. But note in the code it is all treated as string, including when curly bracers are used per the SQL query help page.

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picklistpull.jpg (134.1 KiB)
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