
Adam C avatar image
Adam C asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Pulled flowitems do not move after saving a model unless it is reset.


If a model pushes/pulls flowitems from list, when the model is saved the flowitems will not move unless the model is reset first. Click save and run (nothing changed), the pull seems to execute because the backorder clears but the item remains in the pushing fixed resource. However, after clicking reset it will work normally.

See attached model.

FlexSim 23.0.9
pulltest.fsm (32.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

It looks like the await coroutine doesn't survive the save - this is one reason why you should always reset the model before running.

· 2
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Adam C avatar image Adam C commented ·
It is not a major bug but I thought you guys would like to know about it in case it can be fixed in the future. I am used to reseting for changes, but this was an odd discovery since it happens even if nothing related to the list or associated objects changes.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Adam C commented ·
I've sent in a note so that it's given some consideration.
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