
Aaupadhye avatar image
Aaupadhye asked Carter Walch commented

Possibility of Taking out Connections in Parameter Table?

I want to run an experiment where instead of two box source queues per color, I only have one per color. I tried making a parameter but referencing the queues only added more carton erectors which is not what I wanted. Is there a way to have a parameter that takes out the connections to the 3 queues that I do not want? Additionally, this would likely change my process flow logic since instead of having a 50/50 chance to go to either queue, it would have a 100% chance of going to the queue now.




FlexSim 23.0.8
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Natalie White avatar image
Natalie White answered

Hi @Aaupadhye,

In your parameter table, when you use the "Delete and Copy Out Objects" option for your value, it changes the number of objects that your reference has output connections to.

The queues that you are trying to change are not outport connections for anything.

You could add a queue that has an outport connection to all 6 of your other queues, and have your objects be created in that queue. Then, you could easily change the number of queues from 6 to 3. Or you could create 3 queues, one for each of the colors, and change their values from 2 to 1.

If you don't want to see an object in your model, but you need it for your model to function, then you can hide the visuals by typing *** or leaving blank the shape field under visuals. (You won't be able to access that object's properties by clicking on your 3D model; you'll need to access them from the model tree instead).

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The send to port can be set to:

  1. duniform(1,nrop(current), getstream(current))


  1. duniform(1,current.outObjects.length,getstream(current))

then however many are set in the parameters, it will have an equal chance of going to each one.

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