
ejust avatar image
ejust asked ejust commented

Delete irrelevant sections from toolbox.

I accidentally clicked an object on the people library and my Toolbox and Event List are filled with irrelevant information like staff groups, people statistics, statistical collectors, and more. How to delete it?



FlexSim 22.2.0
toolboxevent listcustom toolbox
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered ejust commented

If you are comfortable with the tree, you can just delete folders out of the tree. The folders are not protected.

For example, you can open a tree view, and go to Tree/Tools/PeopleTables, and you can just delete that folder. Of course, if you try to use features that depend on those tables, you'll have to add a staff object to add those tables back in.

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Julie Weller avatar image
1 Like"
Julie Weller answered ejust commented

Hmmm I think you have two options, you can minimize it, using the little +/- arrow to the left of the tool or you can delete each of the subnodes under it. If you choose to minimize it, you could right click and reorder your toolbox so they're all in an ignorable list at the bottom.

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