
mm_y_2406 avatar image
mm_y_2406 asked Natalie White commented

Waiting Line Dimension

Can the waiting line be in a L shape instead of just a straight line? The people queueing in the waiting line became longer than the line itself that it started lining up beyond the barrier line. Is there anyway to overcome this? 1689171416428.png

FlexSim 23.1.3
waiting line
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

Yes, just add more points to the Waiting Line.1689175803957.png1689175743640.png

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Carter Walch avatar image
1 Like"
Carter Walch answered

Hi @mm_y_2406 ,


One way to work around this is to create a secondary waiting line for when the first line has too many people in it. In this model I used a Decide activity to send people to the secondary line if the subnodes.length (number of people) of the first line exceeded a certain value. Then they wait for someone to exit the first line and move up to the next line. You can specify the number of people in each line and have people line up however you like.



waitinglinedemo.gif (539.7 KiB)
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waitinglinedemo.fsm (58.3 KiB)
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