
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Shinya O commented

How to get statistics that take into account all instances


I can get statistics of activities for each instance in Object Process Flow, but how can I get statistics that take into account all instances?

In the example image below, the total input for all instances of Delay is 6.

Is there a way to get this.

Thanks in advance.



FlexSim 23.0.8
statisticsobject process flow
1689648307382.png (82.3 KiB)
1689648323334.png (83.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Shinya O commented

You can either look in the tree under stats/instances/<instance>/input and sum all the tracked variables or create a stats collector that listens to the delay activity entry/exit to record the information you need.

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Shinya O avatar image Shinya O commented ·

Thank you for your information.

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