
Ella Layton avatar image
Ella Layton asked Carter Walch commented

How can I make a source produce items at a different, constant rate each hour?

I'm trying to model a distribution for my source that was derived from data. It doesn't fit any statistical distribution. I need a certain amount of items to be produced each hour, and this number is different for each hour. During each hour, I would like the items to be produced at a constant rate. How do I change the properties of the source to do this?

FlexSim 23.1.3
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Carter Walch avatar image Carter Walch commented ·

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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Carter Walch edited

Hi @Ella Layton ,

If you want to specify a different constant rate rate for each hour, the source has a built-in "By Time of Day" arrival time which allows you to specify a value for each hour. This value will be the number of items created in that hour and will be evenly distributed throughout the hour. (For example, 60 would be one item every minute and 3600 would be one item every second.)

You could also import your data into a table and reference that data by Global Table lookup to determine the source arrival time.


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