
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Matthew Gillespie commented

About Queue contents Stats...

Hi. Developer.

I hope the Queue Contents ALL Stats will be appeared like the old 2021 version.

After upgrading to 2022, the all Stats (Curr, Min, Max, Avg) of Queue disappeared.

And the users should add them with much difficulties like below link.

The current stats dashboard is followed;


In the current version (2023) The staytime stats is good same with the old.

The contents stats could not be maintained like the old?

The queue content stats should be as default same with the old 2021 version like followed;


FlexSim 23.1.3
maxminqueue contents stats - curr
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
1 Like"
Jordan Johnson answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Hi David,

In version 22.0, we made the decision that the pin buttons should only pin charts available in the dashboard library. Previously, the pin buttons created charts that were unique. In version 21.0, if you use the pin button to create a content table, you get one chart (the one you are requesting). Note that this one adds a statistics collector to the toolbox. If you create a Content Table chart from the dashboard, you get a different chart. This one is a chart template, so the stats collector does not appear in the toolbox.

I will add a request to the dev list to improve the Content chart, and link this issue. It seems very reasonable to include the additional columns.

· 3
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