
browna15 avatar image
browna15 asked Julie Weller commented

Area Restriction Max on Conveyor and Source Generation of Specific FlowItem

First off I know I should update to the latest version but currently limited to this version of flexsim for now. I would like to be able to have a max of 8 units on a conveyor and when 8 units of a given type enter that conveyor, the source freezes creating that specific type of unit until the maximum number of units on that conveyor falls under the maximum of 8. Additionally, with my current set up the area restriction on my decision points causes the conveyors to clog when the area restriction maximum of 8 is reached, when ideally they keep moving on down the conveyor (However I think if there is a way to make the source stop creating a specific type of unit once its respective conveyor reaches 8 theoretically this shouldn't happen but would still be great to know how to implement this). I have attached my model. Thank you for the consideration!



FlexSim 17.1.6
conveyorarea restriction
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Natalie White avatar image
Natalie White answered Natalie White edited

Hi @browna15,

You can consider using a different source for each of your 5 products. They can even be stacked on top of each other, so they appear to be 1 source in your 3D model. Using different sources will make solving your issue much simpler:

Instead of using a restricted area, you can simply use your process flow to check the content on a conveyor upon the content change. This would require an event-triggered source that creates a token upon content change of the conveyor and a decide activity where the condition is based on the subnodes length of the conveyor. If the content is 8 or greater, you can close the output port of the associated queue with a custom code activity, and if it's less than 8, you can open the output port.1690212012381.png

This is an example of the process flow described above, which you'd make for each conveyor you want to restrict.

A weakness of this solution is that you can't have 2 items of the same type created immediately after one another, because if you already had 7 items on your conveyor, you can still produce 2 (or more) additional items before the custom code activity stops the source production, and you'll exceed the limit of 8. You can work around this issue by having a constant inter-arrival time (this will be a very easy solution) or by checking the sum of the content of all conveyors for the specific type of item rather than simply checking the content of one conveyor.

1690212012381.png (43.0 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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