Hello FlexSim answers, below is what I'm trying to do, but can't seem to find a way.
- A combiner can pack two types of product. One has label A and one has label B. These labels are also reflected on a Global Macro.
- Product A is packed onto a pallet (container = yes). Product B does not need to be packed onto a pallet (container = no).
- I am trying to make it so that when my combiner reads the Global Macro indicating what product I am running, it can make the decision to either include or exclude the container when combining.
- I need to collect the number of pallets that are consumed by the combiner when the product being run is Product A, and show as 0 when it's Product B.
- At this time, during a simulation run I would only run one type of product. Thus, why i am using Global Macros. So I can reference them at Simulation Start.
I had a series of ideas, but I have not managed to make this work...
- Connect 2 sources and set them as Port 1 and Port 2... The second source would be an invisible item, to at least make it work?
- closeinput and openinput to the combiner based on the Global Macro. (Can't close a specific input port; it's all or nothing)
- closeoutput of each source based on the Global Macro. (The combiner will not pack when I do this)
- Have the container quantity change to 0/1 based on the Global Macro. (Can't change the quantity of container)
- Maybe have the Combine Mode change based on the Global Macro? (I don't even know where to begin to make this work).
Are there better ways of approaching this? The model I have attached has both container sources, but the solution does not need to have both. It's just what I've tried.
I appreciate any help possible!