
mikelmb avatar image
mikelmb asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Error in condition doesn't close the port when needed


We are trying to simulate a demand, and have defined a condition in the sink (on entry):


The values of both sides of the condition are going good but then the port is not closed as needed. The variables affecting the condition are also correct and we do not know why the port is closing when the "demand" table has not reach all the units.

I attach the model in case you can give me a hand: Warehouse.fsm


FlexSim 22.1.4
portssinkoutput portinput portcondition
warehouse.fsm (63.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The first time the condition evaluates true your item's Type is 2 and you are using the input port 2 of the sink to determine which object's port to close. The sink only has one input so the involved pointer is invalid. You may want to try replacing

  1. inobject(current, item.Type)


  1. current.inObjects[1].inObjects[item.Type]

which will refer to the object feeding the Queue on the specified port.

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