
chukiat avatar image
chukiat asked chukiat commented

Can't get value from list that have been push from 2D token (not 3D item)

Hi everyone

Normally, I make list by event-trigger of item flow in 3D and I can get value after pull by next command

But I have some require that I want to create token in 2D, then assign some label and push to list

After I pull it, I can't refer any value from pulled token

Please suggest me What is my mistake

Test module.fsm


FlexSim 23.1.1
push to list
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test-module.fsm (40.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered chukiat commented

The pulled token is probably released and destroyed as soon as you pull it. Add a delay before it's destroyed, or add Refer to the SELECT part of the pull query.

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