
Ella Layton avatar image
Ella Layton asked Carter Walch commented

Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist()

I have a process flow controlled by the two smaller blocks on the right side (the larger ones are on the left are there only for a dashboard graph). The sources on them are data-time sources. I changed the source to this system recently and tested it; it worked fine. I changed the arrival quantity and times in the sources and got the error message. After closing the error message console, the model still didn't work, but the error never showed up again. The times on the sources match each other along with the start and stop times. It would be a great help if someone could help me with this!

MK Simulation by Lines.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
error messagesdate time source
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
Can you give us the exact steps to replicate this?
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Carter Walch commented

Hi @Ella Layton ,

I ran your model and I didn't get any error, the model runs smoothly and continuously until the end of your arrival schedules. Exception errors in the processeventlist can happen for various reasons. The Event Log can be useful in debugging these errors and you can read more about it here. You can access it in the 'Debug' tab in FlexSim.

This model works for me, is yours still not working?


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Ella Layton avatar image Ella Layton commented ·
Mine still isn't working. I'll look at the debug tab. Thank you for the suggestion.
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Carter Walch avatar image Carter Walch Ella Layton commented ·
Hmm strange, is it still throwing the exception error or just not working? And if the error isn't showing up what is going wrong in the model?
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Ella Layton avatar image Ella Layton Carter Walch commented ·

It is just not working without the error message. The objects aren't being created is the issue.

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