
Mark avatar image
Mark asked Jason Lightfoot edited


Hi, can a "decide" in process flow function like the setup option of the processor "if item label value change" instead of time value, I would like to send the first item in connector 1 and for the second item with the same value will be send to connector 2 going to the sink and so on until a different item label value first item show up..



How should the script be written?

Thank you answering.

FlexSim 20.2.3
decide activity process flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The following code will do that:

// Assert a node in the activity's tree to store the last type in
treenode lastType = activity.find(">variables").subnodes.assert("lastTypeValue", 0); // Compare to the current token's type (or if first token to enter) if(token.Type != lastType.value || getstat(activity, "Input", STAT_CURRENT, processFlow) == 1) {     // Send to 1 if different or first token and update node value     lastType.value = token.Type;     return 1; } // Send to 2 otherwise return 2;
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Mark avatar image Mark commented ·

Thank you for the quick answer, the code works well.


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Note that this won't work as-is for an Object Process Flow with multiple instances. For that you can use the following code which will also work for a General Process Flow:

// Assert a node in the activity's tree to store the last type in
Map lastTypes;
treenode typesNode = activity.find(">variables").subnodes.assert("lastTypeMap", lastTypes);
int lastType=lastTypes[current];
// Compare to the current token's type (or if first token to enter)
if(token.Type != lastType || getstat(activity, "Input", STAT_CURRENT, current) == 1)
// Send to 1 if different or first token and update node value
return 1;
// Send to 2 otherwise
return 2;
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