
Luis Gaytan avatar image
Luis Gaytan asked Natalie White edited

how can I change the batch of 5 green objects that entered the queue "Cabin"


how can I change the batch of 5 green objects that entered the queue "Cabin", after they enter check if there are more greens in buffer 2, if there are no more greens change the color of the batch to black

FlexSim 22.0.16
decide activity process flowprocess flow batch
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Natalie White avatar image
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Natalie White answered Natalie White edited

Hi @Luis Gaytan,

Based on your current model's logic, there will never be any green boxes in Buffer 2 because green items are moved from Buffer 1 to Cabin.

You can add a Change Visual activity to your process flow after your Batch activity to change the color.

Let me know if you have additional questions about this!

· 12
5 |100000

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Luis Gaytan avatar image Luis Gaytan commented ·

I had forgotten to mention that the green is a priority to enter directly to the queue "cabin"

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Natalie White avatar image Natalie White Luis Gaytan commented ·
Your current model is only sending greens to the queue "cabin." All the other colors stay in Buffer 2.
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Luis Gaytan avatar image Luis Gaytan Natalie White commented ·
How can I send all the colors to the queue cabin, with the condition that the batch has to be only of one color?, if is not the color of the batch then I send it to queue 2

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