
jenny avatar image
jenny asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Problem of exporting to Excel


I have question about exporting to Excel. If I export the data from "Statistics Collector" to Excel, there're some garbled characters. But, if the data from "Global Table", the data can be displayed correctly. Is't because the data from "Statistics Collector" cannot be exported in Traditional Chinese?


I have another question about tracker. I link the tracker to the parameters, and set Dashboard Control Value. I drag the tracker to control value when the simulation is stopped, and after the simulation starts, the tracker return to initial positions.


How should I do above two questions?

Thanks in advance!


FlexSim 23.1.3
excel exporttracker
global-table.jpg (72.5 KiB)
1692629299898.gif (60.9 KiB)
datatest.fsm (33.5 KiB)
datatest.fsm (33.5 KiB)
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have added this bug to the dev list. Unfortunately, there's not a straightforward workaround. If it is critical to get the data to Excel, you could change the Statistics Collector (or create a second one) that collects times in Excel format. You can use the convert() command for this.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered jenny commented

As a workaround for the export for now you can change the stats collector to store either the numeric excel value (fractional days since 1900) or the string value. You can convert the date time using the Datetime methods.

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