
Mike avatar image
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Mike asked Mike commented

no slot on floor storage (Version 23.2)

There is no slot on floor storage in version 23.2. I am not sure I have missed out any setting. Please help to check. Please also help me check when the full pallet is not able to move to floor storage by forklift. Thanks.

Floor storage.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
floor storage
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Mike commented

Rotate the item 90 degrees on the transporter's load trigger. In it's current orientation it doesn't fit into the slots.

You'll also need to make the floor storage high enough to accept the pallets.

Alternatively just check for empty slots and remove the hasSpace requirement from the slotAssignmentStrategy.

· 7
5 |100000

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Mike avatar image Mike commented ·

Hi Jason,

It still doesn't work after pull strategy is set back to default. ( I copy the script from the other working model.). Forklift doesn't even bring the pallet to floor storage. Orientation has been changed.

And secondly, the combiner3 pull strategy "cat" frequently changed back to default "Type". Could you please help me check.

Floor storage_1.fsmcombiner3-cat-change-to-type.png


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Mike commented ·
It works for me - you just need to change the floor storage height so it can fit the pallets.
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Mike avatar image Mike Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

It doesn't work for me although I change all storage dimensions to 5m which is more than enough for the pallet. Forklift doesn't even pick up the full pallet from the combiners.

Floor storage_11.fsm

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