
Patrick avatar image
Patrick asked Jeanette F commented

Is it possible to add more than one label with triggers to the same item?

I would like to assign several labels (e.g. name, process time 1, process time 2, ...) to the same flowitem when creating a flowitem. So far I have only found the option to add more labels via another trigger, but these labels are then assigned independently of the labels assigned in the first trigger. It is important that I can assign a certain combination of labels to the individual flowitems.

Thanks in advance for the help :-)

FlexSim 23.1.4
labelstriggerscreating labels
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Patrick commented

The number of options you can add to a trigger is not limited. You should be able to add multiple labels to an item within a single trigger.


If only certain combinations of labels are valid, you can either write those into a table, determine the row from which to read the values and then assign those to the item. Or you use a code snippet with if-conditions or a switch-statement to select the fitting values based on the randomly generated first label value.

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