
Lamm avatar image
Lamm asked Jeanette F commented

On Pre Draw

Hi Experts,

I have a question when I used the trigger "On Pre Draw" in the Shape object.

I saw that that trigger is used to define the logic like positioning obj prior to their draw, but I don't know what exactly the function is used for. I found out my question has a few docs that can help. So, any help or example would be valuable.

Thank you guys

FlexSim 22.1.4
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

As you say, it would mostly be used to implement movement that kinematics or animations are not suitable for. For example, just yesterday I used it in a model for this post to move an operator along with an item on a conveyor.

I also used in for the model in the video below. The trailer is rotated and translated based on the truck to achieve a realistic motion.

The VR demo model uses a global OnPreDraw trigger to check if the hands are in the vicinity of interactable objects. The logic is thus coupled to the framerate.

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