
yoni avatar image
yoni asked Jason Lightfoot edited

color changed for no reason

in the attached model I assigned colors before queue 66 to flow items , some of the colors assigned before the queue make it to queue 66 with theirs respective colors,(blue, red, white) some (the majority) are changed to black with no reason. Why? see attached model

buffer assembly.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
color change
· 1
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yoni avatar image yoni commented ·

see images below


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colors.png (163.5 KiB)

1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Its because these queues:


are set to change the item to black and they are all on the first output of each upstream queue. Those upstream queues are set to send to the first available, which are the queues with the black setting.

1693787219450.png (2.9 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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yoni avatar image yoni commented ·

yes the first queues are set to change to black, the others are set to change to blue, red, gray, and white. there are 35 queues, and these should be the total at the end of the line. see chart below, what I see is that even a queue is set up to change to blue, at the end it came out black, I end up with more blacks than blues, red, etc

Black 29
Blue 38
Red 19
Gray 24
White 10
Total 120
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ yoni commented ·

I don't think you're in control of the numbers being sent through the ports. Use round robin on the send to ports if you want them distributed evenly.

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