
EK avatar image
EK asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Configure shuttle for multi-deep ASRS


I am trying to recreate a scenario I saw on Youtube as below. The storage is multi-deep and the task executor has a platform to extend to store/ retrieve items while travelling up and down in a straight line. I thought that network nodes for the straight line with "travel offset for load/ unload task" to extend into the multi-deep storage would be the right settings but it is not. Can you please advise? Thank you!

PS: The default ASRS vehicle is not suitable for my simulation as I am trying to simulate a 4-way ASRS shuttle system.

Multi-deep shuttle racking system.fsm asrs-shuttle-reach-into-multi-deep-storage.jpeg

FlexSim 23.0.11
shuttle rack
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

A travel network is probably not going to work too well here, since you need to have a location per bay.

I'd suggest to use either Pick/Place Offset tasks, Travel to Location tasks or kinematics to travel the needed distance along the three axes in succession.

The attached model demonstrates the first two.


· 22
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