
SudheerReddy avatar image
SudheerReddy asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Deadlock trigger when TE's has run into, is not triggering

time: 15.279353 exception: TaskExecuter1 has run into TaskExecuter3 on an accumulating path. This is not allowed.

In this exception, would like to understand why deadlock trigger has not triggered


FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

As Jordan pointed out to me in this post, acculumation should not be used with two-way paths. In this case, the accumulation error you are seeing causes the Task Executer 1 to stop its travel before the deadlock would happen. Due to this, the TE is not trying to allocated the CP currently held Task Executer 3 and the resulting situation is not a deadlock cycle.

If you set the paths to have no accumulation, the deadlock reroute will trigger, but since Task Executer 1 is surrounded by two other TEs at that point, it can't find an alternate path to the destination.

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