
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Maryam H2 commented

Subnodes Query Based on Item Labels


How can I write a query to access the number of subnodes within a Location object, based on a label recorded on the Item that resides within the Location object? For instance, if there is a box labeled Type A placed on a specific floor spot, how can I query to determine the count of Type A boxes present at the Floor Spot location?

FlexSim 23.2.0
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Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Maryam H2 commented

We were able to figure this out over the phone. The best option for this particular case was to use an Expression Field (with the following custom code) in a Resource that checks for if each resource (the Location objects) contain an item with a specific label value.

  1. for (int index = 1; index <= value.subnodes.length; index++) {
  2. Object item = value.subnodes[index];
  4. if (item.labelName == "SpecificLabelValue")
  5. return 1;
  6. }
  8. return 0;

So if a resource does contain at least one item with the specific label value, then a 1 is returned. If the resource does not contain any items with the label value, a 0 is returned.

And in an Acquire activity, you can query for a resource that does not already contain a specific type of item, or query for a resource that already has a specific type of item, depending on the situation.

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Abhay Bajpai avatar image
Abhay Bajpai answered Maryam H2 commented

Run your model and click on "Stop". Right click on the floor spot object you want to query about and click on "Designate This Node (so)". That will choose that object as the "so".1695830386663.png

Now type this script in the user command

"Array TypeAParts=so().subnodes.toArray();

print(TypeAParts.length); "

It should give the number of Type A parts saved in the array

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