
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Nicolas M6 commented

How to order people resources in acquire?


I have a model that uses the people library and there are lets say 20 locations. At some point a person wants to acquire a location. When I have a puller in the acquire location activity it takes the location that is closest to the person, which is nice.
Now however I want the person to order the locations in a different way, maybe the locations have a priority field, or I just want a random location. How can I manage this? Only removing the puller from the activity give me the first available location from the location list, the last location will in that case never be chosen. Is there a place where I can enter an order by query or something?

Thanks for your help.


FlexSim 19.0.2
queryresourcepeople modulelocation
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Nicolas M6 commented

This is something we'd like to make easier in 19.2.

When you choose a group or object as the location to acquire it converts that object into a query when it pulls from the list:

However, you can also pass in your own query. So take the generated one as your starting point:

  1. WHERE [Beds] AND (Priority = 0 OR (Priority < 100 AND Preemptable > 0)) ORDER BY Priority, [Beds]

and customize it as needed. Make sure you include the Priority WHERE statement or things won't work correctly.

query.png (8.2 KiB)
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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·

Hi @Matthew Gillespie,

This is a nice option we missed so far. Thanks for pointing out the possibility to use this

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Nicolas M6 avatar image Nicolas M6 commented ·


I'm working on 19.2 and I can't see where this query must be written and how.

Can you show me in the model attached ? (explanations inside). Thanks in advance.


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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T Nicolas M6 commented ·

@Nicolas M6

Can you ask this in a new question?

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