
Paula LG avatar image
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Paula LG asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Travel distance chart units error


There seems to be the following issue with the travel distance chart: when I run a model without changing anything from the dashboard where the chart is pinned, it shows the travel distance of the chosen object in whatever units I had set before saving it, but if I click on the chart in edit mode at any time, it is automatically set to display the value in the model length units. I attach a video below to better illustrate what I mean:

Is there any way to restrict that behaviour?

Thank you in advance!


FlexSim 23.2.1
dashboardsdistance traveledmodel units
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5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Paula LG commented

Hey @Paula LG , it looks like when you clicked the dashboard chart, the length units got updated to those of the model - millimeters.


Apparently the chart defaulted to meters until it was refreshed when you clicked on it. You can change those to what you'd like in the properties panel.


They should stay after that change, regardless of the model units.

1696433694736.png (66.3 KiB)
1696433745371.png (29.1 KiB)
· 8
5 |100000

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